Now, my sweetie pie presented me with my gift at midnight - GOSH I LOVE HIM! Unfortunately, my old tired self was so disoriented, I took my gift and asked to open it in the morning. He was disappointed and I did not even notice...isn't he the best?! Well, I opened it this morning - a new digital CAMERA! Okay - did I say I LOVE HIM? WELL, I DO...
I have to put my friends on blast until I check every email and check my voicemail! My day is supposed to be a national Holiday...and yet, I only heard from my future in laws, my parents, my sister, fiancee and one sister in law to be. One colleague on his own wished me a happy birthday and two other colleagues wished me well - AFTER I told them. But one then took me to lunch, so she's forgiven - plus she met my mom and my mom LOVES her.
My darling son gave me sugar this morning...what more could I ask for? My men love me...and I love them both sooooooooooooooooo very much. I fear my next child will be a girl because I want another man added to my clan. Then I'll really be Queen B...ahem, Queen V.
This writing out my thoughts is good therapy. I wished I had purchased stock!